Posted by: seanmalstrom | November 9, 2022

Email: I don’t think it’s about the money

It does sound plausible that non-gamers are in gaming because of the money, but I don’t think that is the only reason. I can totally see that in some stereotypical executive type who wants to milk gamers with microtransactions for all they are worth, but he would not openly be hostile to gamers. Hardcore gaming was built on the illusion that buying all the newest AAA games and other gamer lifestyle crap would make you cool and mature and hardcore with tits and gore, not that you are a living cancer on the earth. Much like e.g. beer companies, they were selling the illusion that the product was making you better when in reality is actually bad for you.

But what I now see is open hostility to hobbies. How much money was there really in comic books before the Marvel Cinematic Universe? How much money was there in Dungeons & Dragons? Let’s take the Castlevania Netflix show as an example: at that time Castlevania was a dead series. The show shits all over the lore of the game series: the Church is evil, Dracula’s wife got burned at the stake for practicing science, characters get race-swapped and/or made gay, evil priest can make holy water just like regular priests. Yet the people who made the show had more than cursory familiarity with the series, they were pulling characters even from the more obscure games. They knew exactly what they were doing. But why?

There is the desire to “fix” what is old and problematic. Making a new Castlevania series is not about the money, but about making it your own. Video games, comics, board games, cartoons… it’s all just a vehicle for pushing a political agenda, even if it loses money. Remember the leaked internal conversation among Disney executives about their not at all secret gay agenda (which got buried very quickly)? There is no market demand for gay children’s shows. This is not about the money.

The real question is how did we get to this point? How did people who hate a medium get put into such positions of power? I suspect that it was a long march through the institutions: they got hired one by one, then worked to get their friends hired and slowly fill up all the positions of power. So why was this subversion not stopped in time? Again, this is just conjecture, but I suspect the siren’s song of inclusivity and diversity promising bigger profits.

After all, a broader appeal means more customers, right? If only you could make these small little changes. Just little ones, no one will mind. Oh, you might want to hire a diversity consultant while at it. And I just happen to know the right person. It will totally pay off, trust me.

I have an answer as to why Wokeism is being so heavily pushed by the BIG money people.

“Will you tell it to us?”


Above: The reader is not ready to go down the rabbit hole.
