Posted by: seanmalstrom | August 22, 2009

Wii Hatred is about hatred of the new customers

The hatred of Wii is very real and very irrational. Many are trying to say that Wii hate is not real, that it is because of something else. Let us go through these denials.

Wii is not HD. It is hated because it lacks graphic coolness and third parties don’t want to make Wii games because they can’t port them anywhere else.

Gamecube was very easy to port games from other systems on. Gamecube also pushed out the graphic capability compared to the PS2. Yet, Gamecube was ‘bad’ then and third parties didn’t port over games anyway.

This is why I laugh when I hear someone say, “The Blue Ocean Strategy left Nintendo all alone. They need to come out with a Wii HD so third parties can port games.”

But this didn’t work with the Gamecube, did it? Why would it work with a Wii HD? Wii HD would only end up as a negative for the system. It would divide the install base, it would remove the differentiation from the consoles.

Wii Hatred is only because they don’t like motion controls.

With motion controls announced with Natal and Sony Wand, motion controls are now suddenly ‘cool’. This is why you don’t hear any ‘hate’ for the Wii’s motion controls anymore.

Wii Hatred is because the Wii controller is limited.

The Wii hatred is still there even after Motion Plus, a level of technology that is near identical to what the Sony Wand is.

Wii is not about focusing on greater immersion. This is why it must be hated!

And this is the answer. The big flaw in many people’s reasoning is that immersion is what video games are about. This is why anything that might get in the way of immersion, like calibration issues, is a Big Deal to the hardcore yet is not an issue to everyone else.

One of the big reasons for the Wii’s popularity, as was with the DS, is that many of the games are not intended for greater immersion. They are not designed to replace your life, only to connect to it. Wii Fit is not to immerse you so much as to help your real life. Wii Sports is not to immerse you so much as to help have fun as social gatherings with real people.  Brain Age is to help work your brain for real life purposes, it isn’t supposed to immerse you.

So to them, the Wii is “backwards” because it is not helping immersion but putting out games and control systems that are removing immersion. Yet, this is exactly what connects to the Expanded Market. In a way, this is how all games were in the pre-3d days, in the Atari, NES days.

This is why Wii hate always spills over on the new gamer. The hardcore HATE how the new customer cares nothing for ‘greater immersion’.

What cannot be denied is that Wii hate always manifests itself against the Wii customers. This is what is so shocking. Attacking customers is always a bad idea, in any industry. Newspapers did it right before they entered the valley of decline. If I owned a game company, I would flat out fire anyone who attacked customers, of any system. Customers are the reason why you have a job. Customers are the reason why game developers and game journalists exist in the first place.

Wii is destroying the end goal of the Promised Land of “Lucid Dream Gaming”. The future of gaming will not be immersion. This is why the ‘hardcore’ are attacking the New Gen customers. They literally believe the New Gen customers are ‘destroying’ gaming and are a ‘filth’, as if they were barbarians now inside the gates.

No product’s prototype name was ever better labeled than the Wii’s “Revolution”. The ‘Revolution’ will rip the Undershot Customer, i.e. the ‘Core’ Gamer, from the throne of gaming, and replace him with the New Customer as the lead customer to rule the Kingdom of Gaming.
