Posted by: seanmalstrom | January 30, 2010

Metroid: Other M website launches; Metroid fans get scared

The teaser site to Metroid: Other M is up with… soft piano music. People are emailing me and, judging by responses I am seeing on message forums and all, there are many Metroid fans that are getting scared (not scared in the good way such as a Metroid coming out of nowhere to eat them).

I tried to warn you guys.

We don’t have much information other than the teaser site and the trailer. But we do have the philosophy of the game as described by Sakamoto. That is what is worrying people.

Listen to what Sakamoto has specifically said. From the interview in Wired:

Sakamoto: You might be aware of this, but I actually wasn’t that involved in the development of the Prime series. The goal in creating Metroid Prime was to create the ultimate first-person adventure, and I do think that Retro was able to do that. My approach, my concept, is a little bit different in terms of gameplay. And the story I want to tell with Other M can’t be achieved with that approach. So I think my take on this project is quite a bit different than Retro’s.

So Other M will not have the gameplay of Metroid Prime (and Metroid Prime was Super Metroid in 3d. So Other M is going to be a departure from the gameplay from games like Super Metroid).

Let’s listen some more. Roll the tape:

_________________________________________ So, then, what is your vision of the ultimate Metroid game?

Sakamoto: Within the greater Metroid series, the Other M story will tie together the stories that took place in Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion. One of my goals is to present Samus as an appealing human character, and that involves explaining a little bit about what happened in her past as well as the characters that influenced her. The story will play a big part. There’s another facet to the Project M team, and they’re responsible for creating the cinematics, some of which you saw in the trailer yesterday. Of course, Metroid is a very sophisticated action game as well. So our goal is to create an experience that is seamless between the cinematics and the actual gameplay, and creating a game that anyone can play that is only playable on the Wii.

Hayashi: One of our concepts that we like to keep in mind as we’re progressing through development is to create Samus Aran as this very appealing, the ultimate female heroine in the game universe, so we’re keeping that in mind.

Sakamoto has said in interviews in the past of his dream of melding 3d and 2d, of cinematic and gameplay. You have already gotten a taste of what he intends to do from Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission.

Let’s listen some more:

___________________________________________ There seemed to be a whole lot of gameplay going on in the trailer, from 2-D to 3-D to first-person… How’s this game actually going to play?

Sakamoto: Unfortunately, I can’t give you too much information on the controls at this time. Our ultimate goal is to create something that Metroid fans want to play, and want to see visually. In addition, we want to make it something that new users can get interested in as well and make it something that is accessible for them, and only available for the Wii.
