Posted by: seanmalstrom | February 8, 2010

Email: Regarding your article on Metroid fans

Okay, let me tell you something for a moment here, Mr. Malstrom.

Making an article about bashing three Metroid games is one thing, but taking low blows at the fans who disagree with your arguements is really childish.

It will not accomplish anything and you’ll only be acknowledged as a pretentious hypocrite, who wants nothing more than receive absolute agreement.

I don’t care how much point you have in your article, because taking lowshots at people has already drew me away. If your rationality about the situation is this awful, how can I be sure that the rest of your articles are not the same? Atleast when Yahtzee does it, he did it in tongue-in-cheek and the fanboys were obviously overreacting.

That’s why I request you to erase that article, for it has serves nothing good for to you or anyone else. That is ofcourse, if you still have enough rationality to be recognised as a decent human being.

When you put anything on the Internet, from a message forum to a blog to comment on a website, it is considered public and is fair game in the public arena. Remember, someone emailed me the link to that forum thread with the title: “The Metroid fans have spoken…” as if I should shut up because there is a message forum thread disagreeing with me.

One of the things I have been astonished by this website is how often people tell me what I can or cannot put on my own website. It is pretty easy to make a website these days. Blogs are very easy to make. Anyone can do it. But I find it fascinating how people tell me what I should put onto the website as well as tell me to take things off.

Just to let you all know that I am the boss of my own website, I am going to post some flamingos. You cannot stop the flamingos. So here they are:

I have more of a confrontational type of personality. This isn’t the type of gaming website where we all hold hands and sing praises about the ‘community’ while posting pictures of cakes with video game characters on them. What type of response do you expect when people publicly post about punching someone? That’s not very nice.

And, let me say, those are glorious flamingos. I should post pictures of animals more often!
