Posted by: seanmalstrom | July 26, 2010

Looks like you called it on Mario Galaxy 2

“While one million copies in two months (41 days of NPD reporting time) is impressive, it doesn’t approach the level of success enjoyed by the first
Super Mario Galaxy, which broke a million in its first month on the market, only 12 days of which counted for NPD. (The fact that its first month was November may have had something to do with that strong start.)”
You said before that the first Galaxy benefited from the Wii’s high momentum (before UGC brought that screeching to a halt), and that people that bought NSMB Wii would not gravitate towards Galaxy 2, and that the game would probably not even sell as high as the first game.  Well, not to jump the gun, but this seems to vindicate your statements.  Hopefully given the sense of change going on at Nintendo right now, Miyamoto will try to give us more 2D Mario, or will hopefully try to change the 3D Mario’s formula entirely to help it match closer to the values of the audience that bought NSMB Wii.
I think the idea of Mario Galaxy 2 selling to Mario 5 players or outselling Mario Galaxy 1 by any degree is crazy. Direct Mario sequels do not sell better than the original game. And 2d Mario fans have been avoiding 3d Mario for twenty years. What makes Nintendo think they are suddenly going to buy 3d Mario? A DVD documentary? Get out of here.
The reason why Galaxy 2 sold faster in Japan than Galaxy 1 was because of how much Nintendo screwed up Galaxy 1’s launch in Japan. They did no proper advertising. Many Japanese thought Mario Galaxy was a ‘party game’ or something.
