Posted by: seanmalstrom | June 11, 2011

Email: Duke Nukem Videos

Hi again Malstrom,

I wanted to share two videos I saw of someone playing the new Duke Nukem.  Combined it’s pretty long, 70ish minutes, so I’ll sum it up if you don’t have time to watch:  New FPS are going down the tubes, they are basically scripted linear adventure/platformers that completely rely on multiplayer, the new Duke Nukem does not use the arcade/shoot-em-up style of Duke 3D or older FPS.  His comments are almost a microcosm of what you’ve been saying on your blog, except applied to FPS/Duke instead of Mario.
(longer vid, 45 min)

(shorter vid, 25 min, could just watch this one as he kind of sums up what he said in the first vid)
Total Biscuit does a good job reviewing this. Good detail. FPS should be about… shooting, not linear gameplay with cutscenes with puzzles and NPCs. In the same way, Zelda should be about… swordplay, not linear gameplay with cutscenes with puzzles and NPCs.
When I hear all these poor reactions to modern gaming, I get inspired to make my own game to ‘show them how its done’. Unlike decades ago, game engines have become extremely complex and the production demands are like a frickin brick wall to overcome. But game making is an art for the young. There is tons of potential for any game makers with the passion, if such game makers still exist.
