Posted by: seanmalstrom | November 23, 2011

The Yogscast / Notch Fiasco

If you have not heard, let me get you up to speed. Notch held his ‘Minecon’ which was a two day event costing $99 a ticket to celebrate the release of Minecraft. Minecraft has been shown heavily in videos by Youtube commentators such as Total Biscuit and Yogscast. Those commentators also have their circle of fans.

What apparently happened is that Yogscast did a panel with Minecraft and one of the commentators died (perhaps by a creeper?). They swore and even used the F word. For whatever reason, this upset Notch and he ended the panel (?). This annoyed the Yogcsast fans but then, in a bizarre move, Notch went to twitter and began bashing Yogscast. These are some of the things he said:

We also learned who not to work with at Minecon. Shame.. :/

I’m very sorry about the behavior of the people we won’t work with any more. Celebrity or not, you don’t f-bomb kids.

Yogscast repeatedly insulted people, talked behind their backs, refused to cooperate, and acted like total spoiled divas nonstop.

They called us “a bunch of nerds who don’t know how to run a company”, demanded that we pay them to come here (nobody else got paid).

And they claim they’re the reason minecraft is big and that we should thank them more than anyone else in the community. They’re total dicks

A kid wanted them to sign something I had signed, and they said they’d cross it out and put “fuck you” there instead.

Everyone else in the Minecraft community is all about respecting and caring. They’re not. They’re an isolated island of egos.

TotalBiscuit wrote about the subject here and defended Yogscast.

Employees at the event didn’t see anything going on with Yogscast and defended the them.

Something doesn’t make sense here. If Yogscasts were ego-mad divas, as Notch says, why would they destroy their business as their business is audience for their minecraft videos. Why would they be mean to Notch? It doesn’t make sense.

“So what is going on?” asks the reader breathless with anticipation.

This is an attack of the Game God disease. Looking at everything I can find, I’m finding myself coming on Yogscast’s side and not on Notch’s. Here is why.

Notch is a major hypocrite. He talks about Minecraft community being about decency and all while he makes jokes about masturbation on his blog. But apparently rules of decency do not apply for ‘Game Gods’.

“You make too much of something too little.”

That is what you do, reader. You interrupt because you thought I was done. But I have only begun.

Take a look at this video:

Start around 7:10 or so and listen what Notch says at 7:40. Notch starts saying how he slept around with Simon’s mother, wears the slippers, bakes poison for him, just WTF. What normal person makes that type of joke? Only people who don’t think they’re normal. You could say, “It was an interview and Notch just was trying to be funny or something,” but that doesn’t explain the bizarre masturbation joke on his blog that occurred before Blizzcon. In the interview with Yogscast, Notch also makes masturbation jokes as well as making fun of dwarves (not the mythical ones but the real life Human variety). Something is wrong with this man.

Notch now says he will let the ‘matter pass’. But this is hypocritical. How can he let the matter pass if he was the one that started it in the first place by all his twitter posts and all?

I think Notch is suffering from the ‘Game God’ disease and isn’t acting like a decent Human being. I see this happen all the time with writers, actors, and others who become successful. Their success goes to their heads and they forget to act decently. Apparently, decency is for ‘lower people’.

I’ve been writing about the ‘Game God’ disease for quite some time. I have noticed that no one wants to believe it exists. But it is Human nature for if someone is repeatedly told they are a god and praised as one (only gods have the power of ‘creativity’, i.e. creating new universes), then it is reasonable to expect that person to think he is a god.
