Posted by: seanmalstrom | June 12, 2024

Toldya: Nintendo of America is extremely WOKE

There is a reason why Nintendo games always felt ‘off’ to me for quite a while. The thing is, Nintendo of America’s political extremism is not yet noticed by the general public. Japan tells NOA to stay out of politics.

The wokeness is coming from the employees and the management is just going along with it. Take a look at this quote from 2022:

Alongside Nintendo Japan’s introduction of the same-sex partnership policy, the company said it notified employees about the issue of gender diversity with a message from president Shuntaro Furukawa “as a means of raising awareness of what diversity means.” In the message, Furukawa called for all employees “to adopt a renewed understanding that even speech and actions, which are not intended to harm, can cause significant emotional pain, asking for understanding and support to create an environment in which everyone can work comfortably.”

What Nintendo President Furakawa is defining diversity as is speech and actions never hurting anyone’s emotions… regardless of intent. That’s a tyrannical proclamation if any. People getting emotionally hurt over speech? I would never hire such people or be around them.

Anyway, here is what is going to happen.

-The Nintendo employees will hate ‘being in the closet’ with Nintendo not officially using the products to push the gayness. They are seething at this. This is where they are at now. Disney was like this too before Disney became gay-trans-whatever central.

-Management will eventually fold to the employees and the subtle and hidden gayness will become full force gayness of Nintendo products. The next reaction will be very interesting.

-The markets will react to the gayness. I do not know how Japan will react, or if Japan even cares. But I do know how Americans will react. There will be fierce denial among the Americans which NOA will keep ramping up the gayness until it is undeniable.

-Nintendo’s legacy will be torched overnight. Families are the opposite of gay/trans/whatever. The Nintendo parents today are the NES kids of yesteryear. Nintendo is many people’s childhoods. But that will not protect their products from market reaction of full wokeness.

-Video game hardware sales are extremely vulnerable. Woke backlashes have destroyed many brands. But Nintendo cannot withstand such a backlash. If parents do not buy their hardware for their children, the pipeline of future Nintendo customers gets cut off. It won’t be a rapid decline, but one where you can see the future generations of Nintendo customers non-existent because parents drove their kids into another direction once all the wokeness happened.

Video game hardware is very difficult to sell. Nintendo is giving consumers more reasons not to buy their hardware and software.

Since NOA may look at this site, they may say, “Well, we are not doing propaganda so it that tidal wave of backlash will not come…”

As Critical Drinker refers to it, it is THE MESSAGE. Toleration will spark backlash. By toleration, I mean having Mario run around with trans/gay characters. “But that is already happening in Paper Mario.” No one plays Paper Mario. NOA doesn’t have the BALLS to do it in a flagship title. But they soon will.

Do it in the mainline Mario game, Nintendo. DO IT! I dare you to do it!

Get out of the trans/gay/whatever-the-hell closets. PUT IT FULL INTO THE GAMES. Don’t hold back!

It won’t be a ‘loud’ backlash like Bud Light was. It would be a ‘quiet one’. Nintendo will be wondering, “Why is our hardware not selling?”, and a million other reasons will be offered instead of the elephant in the room.

I so badly want Nintendo to rip off its veil and go full WOKE. I look forward to it more than the Wii launch. The business story of it will be most delicious.

Historians from the future will be writing, “Why was Nintendo so stupid?”

But Nintendo has done many stupid things. The 3DS and Wii U are two examples. People forget that Nintendo was on the ropes with the Wii U. NO ONE even imagined that the Wii U’s successor would outsell the Wii.

Except me.

And NO ONE is imagining that Switch 2 will sell less than Switch 1.

Except me.

PLEASE give us reasons not to buy your shitty console. Do this as the Financial Depression crashes on our heads!

Movies and TV Shows aren’t going to save Nintendo. As the novelty of Nintendo video entertainment rubs off, the interest in Nintendo video content will decline. Nintendo games have no narrative, and whatever narrative it has makes no sense.

I saw this thread on Resetera that made me laugh: It feels like there’s no way the Switch 2 will fail…so why do I still think it might?

Because it will! The question is not that Nintendo will decline, the question is how big of a decline it will be.

Consider the following…

-The economy is falling apart. This means less money for video games.

-Shigeru Miyamoto will pass away in Generation 10. When that happens, floodgates of shit will flow as he was one of the few holding the garbage back. [e.g. You will see Mario games with shitty stories. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone of the shitty stories are about side characters are gay and trans… Not referring to Birdo here.]

-Switch 2 is not a slam dunk. Twenty year olds I ask in person have a ‘meh’ response to it where they were previously saying they would buy it. “I don’t care,” one said. As gaming goes multi-console, PC Gaming will become bigger and bigger including in Japan.

-Switch 2’s biggest competitor will not be Sony or Microsoft or even Steam. It will be the original Switch. The original Switch will refuse to die. This depends on how Switch 2 is (we know nothing of the price or the hardware and software). If I remember correctly, Atari 2600s kept outselling Atari 5200s. PS2s kept outselling PS3s for the longest if I recall correctly. Switch may outsell Switch 2 for a while.

-Switch 2’s sales will be front loaded. No question of that. It’ll be like Tears of the Kingdom. Huge interest, everyone buys it, but the response is overall poor. They got the sale, but many people stopped playing the game. The passionate intensity is not matched as it was with BOTW. This is dangerous for me to say since Switch 2 software hasn’t been shown. I am not going to say what market momentum will be in 2027, but I know it will not match the Switch momentum. Anyone who assumes Switch 2 momentum will be the same as Switch 1 is a fool and deserves to go broke.

There’s still wonderful Resetera gems like this recent post:

SNES sales velocity was higher than Famicom/NES.

The SNES sold 80% of the NES despite being on the market for a shorter time (Famicom was for sale in Japan for 20 years!), and with the SNES having the Game Boy alongside it for its entire lifespan.

Ooohhh. Look at the fancy lingo! “Sales velocity!” This guy has no idea what he is talking about.

The Famicom/NES markets were cold sales markets. Famicom was like Japan’s very first game console. People had to understand what a game console was, how it worked, etc. The SNES entered a warm sales market. You had a ton of gamers ready to buy the console. This is why you don’t compare SNES sales to NES sales. Nintendo was an UNKNOWN BRAND during the beginning of the NES Era.

And what happened after this vaunted ‘sales velocity’? Sega began eating Nintendo’s lunch. Nintendo consoles then entered a ever-declining spiral of sales which continued generation to generation until the DS and Wii. And what did the DS and Wii do? It went after a cold market again, e.g. the ‘expanded market’.

Much of this console talk is silly since we have no details on Switch 2. But the macro-economic trends are blowing AGAINST Nintendo, not for it. I want Nintendo to go WOKE (in the Disney way) so I can see the most epic video game crash of all time. Sony and Microsoft can join Nintendo in being WOKE so they can all crash together.

And PC Gaming shall inherit the Earth.
