Posted by: seanmalstrom | November 4, 2008

A Quick Note

My previous post “Toast” has brought in a large number of new people. I want to analyze both the Obama and McCain campaigns but ran out of time. After the election, whoever wins, I would like to look at the Obama Campaign in more depth. These election posts may make me sound like an arch-conservative simply because I believe McCain will win (whoever wins two of the three: FL, PA, OH wins the election, and I think McCain will win all three). But my purpose is to try to get to the heart of what is going on. There is such a fog of nonsense that I want to cut through, for my own sake as well as anyone else’s.

Now, about this website. This website was formed because I want to become rich. I decided to study an extremely profitable company who no one has really bothered to study. While no one would blame someone of studying Google or Microsoft in how they gained so much wealth, my company of choice was Nintendo. Since it is a video-game game company, and one that is Japanese, no one studies the company seriously even though they have the highest employee-profit ratio than almost any other company on Earth. By keeping a microscope on Nintendo for the past few years, I could see the eruption of the DS and, especially, the Wii, and it taught me about the Blue Ocean and Disruption strategies which I had not heard before.

Since my priority is to study business and wealth, naturally my attention had to switch to the stock market when it began to go crazy. And then, it switched toward the election since that seems to be the reason for the tantrums the markets were having.

After the election, I will either be eating toast or Obama will be toast, and I will post some more post-election entries. For those long time viewers of this site, the gaming content will resume shortly after the election.

The reason why comments are disabled was because this site became a target for some feminists after a post they didn’t like. I used to like comments, but people abuse it. And I want to do other things than babysit the comments sections.
