Posted by: seanmalstrom | June 15, 2011

Email: PSP rise in sales

You know something funny, I haveYou know something funny, I have two DS, and I’m pretty disappointed with them right now. They are great, they had great games, but Nintendo stoped realeasing games. I want that new Chibi Robo? Well, screw me says Nintendo, go buy a Nintendo 3DS.

So I got the money for a Nintendo 3DS, and bought a PSP. I don’t like most of the PSP games, but I can still play PSOne games and some of the rare good games for it, like OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast, great arcade racer.

I have already played everything on DS and have no interest on 3DS, so I jumped to the PSP, I can see a lot of people feeling like this.

This appears to be the case in Japan. I feel the same way. It’s why I am interested in the Vita.

It costs the same as the 3DS. Has none of the 3d bullshit. Doesn’t have any of the crappy Gamecube games (seriously, Luigi’s Mansion 2? Mario Kart with kites?).

Now, Vita doesn’t make me excited to be a gamer. Vita is interesting to me because it is an alternative to the horrible direction Nintendo wants to take gaming (everything 3d!).

When the N64 came out, I was consumed with PC gaming because of LAN and online play as well as Warcraft 2, Red Alert, Civilization 2, etc. But had PC gaming kinda sucked (as it does today), I probably would have bought a PlayStation and given the N64 a middle finger. If Nintendo doesn’t go Old School, I’m not interested. A generic ‘large-library’ game console would have to be an alternative.

Nintendo still doesn’t get it. They don’t realize that people abhor their N64/Gamecube direction. None of the Super Gamecube games sold too well on the Wii. Now, the 3DS is nothing but a portable Gamecube. And Wii U looks like it intends to be a Gamecube-On-Steroids. The Wii U controller was what everyone thought the Gamecube’s successor would be (a game controller with a touch screen like the DS).

Here is another Vita video to piss off the Unfortunate-Person-Assigned-From-Nintendo-To-Read-This-Website.

To hell with Nintendo and their anti-gaming direction. To hell with ‘hardware/software’ integration. To hell with their saccharine marketing. To hell with Miyamoto’s attitude problems concerning 2d Mario (and Classic Zelda).

You thought Nintendo had it bad with the Gamecube? Imagine if both the home and portable console performed dismally like the Gamecube.
