Posted by: seanmalstrom | June 4, 2012

Email: Reply to the Social Media Brothers

Yeah, unfortunately that was just an example of what every Wii U game will be like as it is integrated with the “Miiverse.”  Yikes.  What a horrible name.

I’m curious about the actual game.  I’m mostly stunned they actually drew a new background.  At this point I’m just depressed because the game will probably turn out to be good and I’ll have to deal with all of this stupid crap just to play it.
All of this stuff better have an off switch.  I absolutely love 2D Mario, and I don’t even know if I can tolerate this social media infestation.  And Wii has been one of my favorite consoles!  I bought a freaking 3DS on day one!  It’s amazing how badly they don’t want me to buy their product, especially given that I am incredibly easy to please.I am of the same thought. Everything is going to depend on the games.
