Posted by: seanmalstrom | February 21, 2013

Sony could be the one to watch

Sony has announced some details regarding the PS4 including games and the controller. I won’t talk about them since you guys can see the news anywhere else.

People need to take Sony seriously. The reason why I say that is from watching how no one took Nintendo seriously last generation before the Wii released, and we saw what happened. The bottom line is that Sony does know how to make a mass market console as they have done it before with the PS1 and PS2. Don’t underestimate Sony.

There are still details I want to know. Is the PS4 going to have used games? What is the account system like? What is the DRM? Is the PS4 region locked?

And what is the price?

I think the PS4 will launch at $399. That’s my guess.

I did like how Sony wasn’t saying the PS4 was an ‘entertainment device’ and focused more on the games. Trying to make the PS3 or Vita an ‘entertainment device’ hasn’t worked well.

The remote play of PS4 games to Vita makes me laugh at how horrible the Wii U is. Why Nintendo couldn’t put remote play on a handheld model, we’ll never know. Oh wait. The handheld was used to ram 3d down our throats. That’s why it didn’t have any cooler features. Stupid 3d.

The PS4 is no PS3. If Microsoft goes the ‘Kinect and general entertainment route’ with the Durango thinking it will have a Wii hit (it won’t), Sony could mop up. How quick do people forget that Wii’s rapid rise was that it was the only console focusing on games. PS3 was ‘blu-ray and general entertainment’ focused while Xbox 360 was ‘HD-DVD (remember that?) and general entertainment’ focused.

People say ‘dedicated game hardware is dying’. But where is this dedicated game hardware they are talking about? Too many ‘game consoles’ are putting in other crap on the system that is completely non-gaming. I think the more dedicated to gaming a console becomes, the higher its sales will be.

There’s still too many details to know about the PS4 before I can give it a thumbs up or thumbs down. But it looks better than the PS3 which is a general improvement for Sony.
