Posted by: seanmalstrom | April 3, 2020

Email: Turns out pretty much ALL old school Mario games are getting a remaster, Malstrom!

Here is the link.

Much like you (and everyone else that’s not a Nintendo sycophant/blind fanboy) I could care less about the 3D games especially that horrible and shitty Mario Sunshine getting a remaster, but oh man am I pumped for the NES games and the SNES classic Super Mario World all getting a remaster most likely complete with graphical + soundtrack overhaul and for all we know gameplay improvements as well.

Your thoughts?


Where did you read NES/SNES Mario games getting remastered? It’s nowhere mentioned.

They won’t remaster them because Miyamoto forbids it. It’s plainly obvious that a, say, HD remaster of 2d Mario games would be the cost of likely less than a remaster of ONE 3d Mario game. So why must these 3d Mario games be remastered while 2d ones aren’t?

For the same reason that Old School Zelda games are not remastered, but given away for free, while 3d Zelda games are not. Aonuma HATES Zelda 1, 2 and Link to the Past. But for some reason, Aonuma loves the terrible Link’s Awakening “It has no combat! I love that! Just walk around and do puzzles! OMG, best 2d Zelda ever!”

I’m at the point of just leaving Nintendo behind completely. I’m tired of their shit. I’m one of their original customers, and they refuse to make games for me. Much will be determined by how BoW 2 and Metroid Prime 4 turn out.

The reason why I bought Nintendo consoles were for Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. Mario is completely crap now. They know we want 2d Mario but won’t even remaster the old ones as a big ‘fuck you’ to the fans. Miyamoto and all are still extremely bitter.

Zelda has been destroyed by Aonuma. We’ll see how BoW 2 is and see if the Zelda team ‘gets Zelda’. I expect Mega Man-esque puzzle shit and lots of ‘OMG, STORY AND DIALOGUE’ everywhere.

Metroid franchise has been destroyed by the talent-less Sakamoto. Why do I call him talent-less? Because you have to be STUPID in order to destroy a huge franchise. Just as the people who destroyed Star Wars and Star Trek are pretty damn stupid, some of the Nintendo people are just as stupid… just not as blatantly so. Metroid: Other M might as well have been a Metroid game by a third rate developer. The same goes for Samus Returns. The only hope for Metroid is with Retro. But Austin keeps getting weirder and weirder, and I expect Metroid Prime 4 to ‘tie in’ with Sakamoto’s ‘vision’ of retarded Samus.

Nintendo is at their worst when they are fat and happy. They are currently fat and happy now. They’re just raking in the money.

You know, Miyamoto says he struggles with trying to make games for people who just want to ‘experience them’ (whatever that means) and for people who like challenge (who he considers the earlier customers). To me, this is a giant cop-out. The real reason why you won’t make games as interesting as they used to because interesting games require a massive amount of labor. Super Mario Brothers 3 required TWO YEARS to make. TWO YEARS of those itty bitty assets. Nintendo would never spend so much labor on such a game today.

Old way: A few people do TONS of labor.

New way: Many people do LITTLE labor.

Old way is better. Those games had more soul. New way sucks.

The remaster of 3d games but leaving the 2d games in non-HD, while just putting the SNES rom of Super Mario All-Stars on a disc for the 25th anniversary, might as well have Miyamoto give us the middle finger. He really, really doesn’t want us to play and enjoy 2d Mario!


Also if you’ve heard of it I wonder if you think the PS4 exclusive “Ghosts of Tsushima” will turn out well or be another overhyped AAA dud??

P.S: I don’t think the millennials/zoomers/cucks “get you” or rather where you’ve been coming from with all of your “wealth” and “prosperity” talks to we your reader base over the years.

Listen you dummies Malstrom is most certainly NOT trying to ape a Gordon Gecko “greed is good!” mentality to you when he is promoting concepts that will make you, me or anyone (wise enough to listen) financially successful and well off.

He is simply trying to promote you…WE…his readers ALL lead a better life and one of stability and comfort as opposed to one broke and poor living on the streets having to resort to rifling through garbage cans like my man Linus from Stardew Valley (my new favorite game) just to survive.

Having lots of money= freedom ie the freedom to do what you want as well keep you as safe as possible when times of trouble inevitably arrive ie think if you say have a bad accident or your health turns to shit for other reasons for example.

Well IF you have a big enough financial “nest egg” you can (if your body + treatment) allows it come out of that trouble still well off.

Alternatively say some kind of natural disaster happens ie your house burns down after being hit by lightning or there’s a flash flood that destroys your home etc, etc.

Well having lots of money can quickly get you a NEW HOUSE in hopefully a NEW PLACE that is built in an area that does not typically (or ever) end up getting destroyed by such floods since its built in an area where there’s not a lot of water around for that to happen. Duh!

Many of you readers are I’m sad to say simply lacking in discernment/judgement/empathy/whatever quality it is that allows a person such as myself to detect another person’s “nature” by what they say over a long period of time.

And I can assure you all Malstrom is a Thorin Oakenshield archetype and NOT a Gordon Gecko type of personality archetype when you get right down to it.

Err well the Thorin at the end here when he realized all of his previous mistakes that is.

Anyone what I’m plainly saying for you still too dim to realize it is that Malstrom is a reasonably moral man and he does NOT “love” money at least in the negative sense you are all thinking of.

It is only a “tool” to him to get him to where he needs to be and he wants you ALL to have and make as much of it as possible so you can also use it for those same purposes.


Greed? Get out of here. Rich people don’t work for money. They ALREADY HAVE MONEY. Why would they work for it?

I’ve noticed in my own life that the more I worked for money, the more miserable I’d become. Stop working for money. Instead, start serving others. And do so in a profitable way. Then you will have plenty of money.

You have to stop being selfish. And what I mean by that, you need to do what society needs, not what you want to do. For example, society needs electricity. Therefore, electricians get money. Society needs computer systems, therefore, computer programmers get money. See how it is? You want your labor to be skilled. You also want your asset creation to be skilled asset creation.

What jobs do you not want? Jobs that do not require skills to do. These jobs will quickly be automated or replaced by someone else on the street.

In the same way, what assets do you not want? Assets that require no skills to obtain. It requires no skills to invest in the stock market, therefore, I do not do it. It doesn’t appear to require much skill to invest in real estate, which is why I do not do it (since everyone is doing it). Oh look! Depression II is wiping out stocks and real estate!

Focus on the skilled labor for jobs, and skilled assets for assets.
