Posted by: seanmalstrom | April 3, 2020

The Second Depression

Above: America’s “Elites”

I think history will look back on this as the start of the Second Depression (while renaming the Great Depression as the First Depression). Remember, World War I was called, “The Great War” before it got renamed “World War I” after a greater World War. So, too, will the Great Depression be renamed to ‘Depression I’ and this will be known, henceforth, as ‘Depression II’.

Why is it a depression? It is because of so much toxic money in the markets. The governments of the world are doing endless printing. We are all becoming like kamikaze Japan. Japan has been in an economic depression.

Luckily, I have been spared the destruction. My job is paying more and is even paying me to not show up at work. However, my job is ‘essential’ meaning that I am responsible for automation systems that research scientists need, and I help feed the electrical grid of Houston. The reader would be surprised to realize that three years ago, Malstrom was considered ‘poor’ and five years or more of that Malstrom was considered ‘poor-poor’ (meaning, can’t even afford a roof over my head).

While I’m not ‘rich’ today, I am very SECURE in what would likely be middle class or upper middle class range. Perhaps three years from now I’ll become ‘rich’ but who knows? The point is that dodging this depression will make anyone feel rich. I am very thankful I took the necessary steps in my life to be where I’m at today.

Readers have wondered why I do not talk about games as much as I did. My disposable income has greatly changed. When you do not have much money, it is much easier to gauge value of a video game, When you have much disposable income, it is much harder. For example, I own physical copies of pretty much every Switch game that has been published. I literally have STACKS and STACKS of games. I’ve had to stop buying them only because they were overrunning all my housing! I cannot understand the value of games as I once could because of my increase in disposable income.

During the first Depression, Hollywood became big because it was the cheap form of entertainment. It was cheap to consumer and cheap to make. During Depression II, video games will likely become bigger because they are cheap form of entertainment and somewhat cheap to make.

Savvy business analysts are going to look to Japan to find out how to do business in a depression. One of the few companies to buck Japan’s macro-economic trends is Nintendo. The company already baffles video game analysts, let alone others on the outside. Nintendo’s methods for treading the depression economic waters of Japan is going to be high value information.

Anyway, the reason why I was able to avoid financial apocalypse was because I built a financial ark. I trusted Richard Kiyosaki’s predictions. I know, I know, the so-called ‘smart people’ will say, “I have read his Rich Dad, Poor Dad” book, and it is too simple, or that Kiyosaki is a crook out to take your money, or that he just keeps repeating himself, etc. etc. etc. However, Kiyosaki has been predicting economic doom since Prophecy was published in 2002, and he has stayed with his prediction of doom. Now, he is not the only person who has said this. However, he is the only financial writer who has co-authored books with the current President of the United States.

Let me set this up for the lovely reader. In his book, “Rich Dad Prophecy” published in 2002, Kiyosaki moans that he feels SO SORRY for whoever will be president of the United States in 2016… because they will be facing with an economic crisis the world has never seen. What keeps blowing my mind is that the person who becomes president in 2016 (well, the election that is) is Donald J. Trump, THE CO-AUTHOR with Kiyosaki of several books post Rich Dad’s Prophecy.

“What are you saying, Malstrom?”

After writing Prophecy, Kiyosaki was attacked and shunned by Wall Street and many big finance people. And yet, Donald Trump goes and co-authors books with him. THERE IS NO WAY TRUMP DID NOT KNOW WHAT KIYOSAKI WAS PREDICTING.


I’m saying Trump KNEW of this upcoming economic apocalypse. You can’t have co-authored books with Kiyosaki, or even have been a fan of Kiyosaki, without REALIZING what Kiyosaki was predicting since 2002. There was one really odd Trump ad I recall seeing that used the imagery of buildings. It starts off with a destroyed landscape and then shows giant skyscrapers being built. Now, the economy of 2016 wasn’t hot or anything, but it certainly wasn’t post-apocalyptic as the metaphor in the ad was. The MAGA theme was actually always “I want to REBUILD America”. There is precedent as Trump stepped up when New York City was circling the abyss back in the 1970s I believe.

I think Trump *knew* of Depression II, and he wanted to be the president when it happened. Presidential historians are going to be shocked that he co-authored books with the guy predicting Depression II. Let’s listen to what Kiyosaki is saying now:

