Posted by: seanmalstrom | April 6, 2020

Trump: “I couldn’t have said it better…” about masks

I keep making Wuhan virus posts but then deleting them. The reason why is because I don’t think they’re really that great of posts.

But I like the Scientific Method. Let us keep using the Scientific Method.

I remember when the AIDS hysteria was going around. What happened is that very scientific explanations came about how HIV is transferred. HIV is transferred through bodily fluids such as drugs or sex.

However, you do not see much, if anything, on scientific explanations how Wuhan virus is actually transmitted. I’ve talked to a doctor in New York at a hospital dealing only with Wuhan virus. While if you are in the room for a long time, it can get in the air, but the PRIMARY way the virus is transmitted is…

…get this…

…from touching your face.

That’s it. Touching your face.

Are masks necessary? He says no for the general public.

Fauci was asked at today’s press briefing about masks. He said, “The purpose of the mask is to protect ME from TOUCHING MY FACE.” Trump then adds, “I couldn’t have said it better…”

The mask isn’t to protect you from other people, it is to protect you from yourself. You are a dumbass that keeps touching your face! Hah!

Why do you think they over-emphasized the ‘washing your hands’ part early on during this?

So the people running around with masks are showing off their misunderstanding of the virus. Since people have become so dumb and hysterical, it might be a reason to wear one so people don’t freak out around you. But you do not need a mask.

Surgeon General said the same thing, and boy, did people have a problem with that. Surgeon General said, at the time, not to wear a mask because people will be touching their face MORE which increases probability of getting Wuhan virus. Now, the only purpose a mask would have is to prevent you from touching yourself.

Now, readers, I, the Magnificent Malstrom, do NOT touch myself. That’s a job for my harem.

There is a term called ‘Jumping the Shark’. The Happy Days TV show was going on too long. When Fonnzy jumped the shark with water skis, it was so ridiculous that the show lost all its ‘gravitas’. I think we’re getting to a similar point with Wuhan virus.

BTW, watching these press briefings is like watching the groundhog come out on groundhog day to tell me if I have two more weeks of winter left. Hahaha…

During these fun times, I decided to pick up some movies I haven’t watched. So I watched the new Planet of the Apes trilogy. Oh geez… Of ALL the movies I had to pick… hahahaha. Here is the CREDITS for the first film…

Above: Simian Flu spreads across the world through international travel!

Above: The BEGINNING of Movie 2. Very effective cinematic way of showing spread of Simian Flu. What is hilarious is how the dialogue and map could easily be mapping Wuhan virus!

Now, if I encounter talking apes, I’ll get scared. As for Covid 19, it has jumped the shark. Wuhan was closed for 52 days. In 52 days since much of the shutdowns began, it will be May 1. May 1st will be when America re-opens (for the most part).

It may be even sooner.
