Posted by: seanmalstrom | December 22, 2020

Scorched Earth

Above: When propaganda fails, the losing side goes scorched earth.

I have a very different take on the 2020 election than what you’ll see anywhere else. Anyone with any understanding of basic math and statistics can clearly see Trump won big in 2020. With the issue of vote switching, even the extra ten million votes from 2016 may be even higher. We do know Trump made inroads into Hispanics and African Americans. The vote totals were so high, the counting had to be stopped in order to plug in new algorithms. Hilariously, the rush to put in Biden ballots meant there was nothing for the down ballot. I can’t stop laughing over it. Not only was my 2020 prediction accurate, it looks like my 2012 prediction was accurate as well! One thing is pretty clear with voting fraud, it’s extremely likely Trump won the popular vote in 2016. It’s also likely that there hasn’t been a split in the popular vote / electoral vote. What has been going on is increase in voter fraud which the electoral vote is a check on. For example, there can be as much fraud as possible in a state, but that state has a ceiling of certain electoral votes.

It was a little more than ten years ago when we were told that due to ‘inevitable demographics’, it was going to be one party rule. If that is true, then why the fraud? It is because it isn’t true. If politics followed ‘demographics’, then there would be no need for vote fraud. You’d just wait for the inevitable.

But I am told by conservative pundits that the conglomerate media narrative makes it impossible to persuade the public. If this were true, there would be no need for vote fraud. If the media was effective, the drastic steps of fraud would not be taken.

Many people do not understand the conservative/populist/whatever-you-want-to-call-it movement or group. The overriding objective has been to persuade the public to their views. It is classic ‘stand-on-soap-box-make-speeches’ type of style. It is writing essays, making rallies, and so on. After every election when they lose, the conservative/populist/whatever moans, “We have lost the country!”, and they blame the media or something else for losing the persuasion battle. If you want to understand Rush Limbaugh, see him in the context of ‘persuasion battle’ where his theme song is ‘My City is Gone’.

What has very much shifted is that the Democratic Party is no longer interested in the ‘persuasion battle’. They’re more interested in the ‘clear the playing field’ type tactics. That’s more of a top down style and doesn’t jive with Common Law. This is also the path American political parties play right before they self-destruct (See Federalist Party or Democrat Party Confederacy).

I’m ecstatic that they’ve done this. They’re signaling complete defeat in the realm of public debate. Sure, you can get a social website to delete what someone says, but that is not persuading anyone.

“But what does persuasion matter if votes can be rigged?”

What is the law? The law is not politicians. The law is not elections. The law is force. Who enacts the force? It would be people. And this is where it all falls apart. When you lose the public, not only will they disregard the laws, no one will enforce the laws anyway. You can pass as many laws as you want. The people will just ignore them.

This is already happening. I live in Harris County, Texas, which is Houston, the fourth largest city in the country. A judge ordered the police to arrest people who do not wear masks. The police publicly defied the judge. Where I live, no one wears masks not even in businesses. “Send in the police!” But the police are hanging out with us and are in complete agreement. The threats to ‘defund the police’ just sent them permanently to the other side. “Send in the military!” The military will not act against US citizens.

It isn’t really complicated political science. You can have any executive, but if the mandate is not there, the law will have no teeth. By ‘mandate’ I mean representation. Next thing you know, tea is spilled into the Boston harbor.

Re-alignments are fun, and this one is showing, what I believe, is the slow implosion of the Democratic Party. Take California for example. Clayton Christensen predicted San Francisco becoming like a ‘third world country’ like Detroit became. Are we not already getting there? People are fleeing the state. California refuses to compete. They want to tax Californians for ten years even if they leave the state! One curious tax I noticed was that small purchases of gold and silver are taxed in California but not large purchases. Why is this? It discourages poor and middle class from getting out of the money supply but not the rich.

Conservatives/populists/etc. are in a state of ‘pause’ right now because their mission was always ‘persuade the public’ and that mission has been accomplished. No one, not even Rush Limbaugh, ever considered what would happen when conservatives/populists would be successful. They never imagined lockdowns of society or totalitarian measures.

What I see going into the future is an era of ‘nullification’. There were sanctuary cities, well prepare for sanctuary states. Already, some states have declared they will not follow Federal orders (e.g. South Dakota on a mask mandate). More and more laws will get passed. More and more executive actions will be signed. And more and more the public will ignore it.

I would keep an eye on the money supply. Despite all the talk about ‘walls’ around America, there are very steep financial walls. They do not want to compete, and they will not let you take your money out. This is why Bitcoin has shot to the moon. Bitcoin allows people to transfer their money over borders. I see Bitcoin’s value purely in its transaction abilities, I see no value in the idea of Bitcoin becoming some ‘utopia’.

The US Dollar is predicted to decline by 20% in 2021. The Dollar has lost 97% or so of its value since 1971. I recommend getting out of dollars entirely. There seems to be a war on deflation.

The ‘Scorched Earth’ reference was in JMS (a political journalist btw) had the government, failing to stop the uprising, turn its guns onto its own people. This is the story of many governments. The cycle goes… Persuasion First. Propoganda Second. Fraud Third. Then civil conflict erupts. One of the reason for the inaction of courts and legislatures is that they are very scared the cold civil war will suddenly become hot.

But it may be that the avalanche is already falling… it is too late for the pebbles to vote.
