Posted by: seanmalstrom | June 19, 2024

Email: Echoes of Stupidity

Echoes of Estrogen looks lame. Aonuma hates Link’s sword much that he just took it away permanently in a game, along with Link. What a genius! What would we ever do without Aonuma style?

Metroid Prime 4 looks alright. At least Samus’s design isn’t reworked into something ridiculous like Fusion or Other M.

I don’t care about Donkey Kong Country Returns HD. I still own the original.

Everything else was irrelevant to me.

Aonuma cannot do Classic Zelda gameplay. He doesn’t have the talent. That is why he has to hide behind puzzle bloat. Because the scope keeps increasing, people are going to realize they aren’t playing anything but puzzles and collectathons. It’ll be curious how Echoes of Whatever performs longterm (short term it will do well like any other Zelda game).
