Posted by: seanmalstrom | June 10, 2011

Email: another dissatisfied customer

Hi, Malstrom.

Just like good part of your readers, i am another dissatisfied customer.

Wii U is another product that shows how Nintendo is in denial of the obvious. I remember someone on Nintendo – i guess Iwata – saying that the DS sold more in Japan because people don’t have more time to play at home, and prefer to play on the way to work and so on. That’s bullshit: people in the west also have a hasty life. The reason is just that DS has tons of better software than the Wii ones. They’re usually pick-up and play, they have arcade values and there’s something for everybody.
Since they deny the obvious reason for the DS having outsold the Wii, they do a console where you can take it to work if you want. For god’s sake. Nintendo is just a gimmicky company now, and they make a new console just to put on the shelves the same old games, only with gimmicky gameplay. In fact, why to make a new console at all?

I don’t want a Wii 2. The Wii 2 won’t have something for everybody. It will be expensive to develop for it. There will be less games, and games that once existed and could be profitable selling so little (like Shiren The Wanderer!), they won’t exist anymore. If it is to make a new console and just take away money from us, why not to launch a Wii a little more powerful, with better motion controls, and convince us to buy it via software.

Foolish customer!

Don’t you know that the purpose of a game console is to inspire play with the developers? Haha! And you thought a game console is supposed to be about games! What’s next? You thinking the game console should make you happy? Everyone knows that the only person who is supposed to be happy is the developer.

So why should you buy Wii-u? Because you watched a video where a developer said, “I have ideas for it!” and then you got to watch a video reel of Xbox 360 and PS3 games… at the Nintendo conference. At least there were no wireless problems like last year… but then again Nintendo didn’t do any live demos of the games on stage.

I am very happy that Iwata tweeted Wii U was a whole new game console before he went back to Japan. Imagine paying a massive amount of money to have a huge E3 presentation about your new game console, and at the end people do not know you are coming out with a game console. I’ve never seen anything like that in all my years. Nintendo made history.
